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Отель Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower

Описание отеля

Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower предостовляет своим гостям прекрасные рестораны и бесплатный Wi-Fi.

Все номера оборудованы кондиционером и оснащены электрическим чайником. В собственной ванной комнате с глубокой ванной можно пользоваться феном и бесплатными туалетно-косметическими принадлежностями. В числе прочих удобств рабочий стол, сейф и постельное белье.

В отеле Odakyu Century Southern Tower работает круглосуточная стойка регистрации, бар, камера хранения багажа и установлены торговые автоматы по продаже предметов первой необходимости.

Отель находится в 1,5 км от храма Мэйдзи Дзингу и в 2 км от железнодорожной станции Харадзюку. 


ЗАЕЗД: с 14:00 до 23:00


ОТЪЕЗД: до 11:00

Описание отеля на английском

Hotel Century Southern Tower stands at JR Shinjuku Station south exit area which is the new business and leisure zone and 3 minutes walk. Outstanding location together with new facilities and functionality, it is convenient for business and leisure. It boasts a magnificent view of the city from the high rise tower.

Как добраться

3 minutes walk from JR Shinjuku Station South Exit. 1 minute walk from Subway Oedo-line Shinjuku Station.

Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
China Grill Xenlon Tokyo on the 19th floor
China Grill Xenlon Tokyo on the 19th floor
Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Single Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Double Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Twin Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Executive Room
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Restaurant TRIBEKS on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Lounge & Bar South Court on the 20th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
Japanese Restaurant HORIKAWA on the 19th floor
China Grill Xenlon Tokyo on the 19th floor
China Grill Xenlon Tokyo on the 19th floor
China Grill Xenlon Tokyo on the 19th floor
China Grill Xenlon Tokyo on the 19th floor
Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower
Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower